Version : Business Enterprise Advanced

Environment : Web Android IOS

Status : User Manager Accountant Administrator

Yes, with N2F, you can manage the expense reports of all your companies with the same account! 


The creation is made in 2 steps: 


1. Create the legal entity or entities 


Your new entity is created. 


2. Update the record of each company 

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Vehicles, payment method and analytics (cost centers, customers, projects, etc.) are managed by the legal entity

During the accounting stage, an accounting export file per legal entity is generated. 


Even if a user belongs to only one legal entity, it is possible to record expense reports on several companies by creating several identifiers in N2F with different email addresses. 

You can create alias addresses by adding a data between brackets at the end of the email address; for example:[societyx].

This email address will become your login, and you will receive notifications by email on the primary address (