You now have the possibility to extract a synthesis of expenses per employee and per category.

Version : Business Enterprise Advanced

Environment : Web Android IOS

Status : User Manager Accountant Administrator

To do so, go to the Data Analysis module and click on “Other preconfigured exports”.


Then, select “Summary by user and by expense category”, and then add filters of choice:

    1. The period over which you want to make the research, 

    2. Then the type of date (date of the expense, of the accounting, …).

    3. If you want to apply this research to a specific entity, you can select it in the drop-down list:

You can also filter on one or more users,

and on one or more categories to customize your choice:

To finish with, you can add other filters of your choice, per client or project for instance:

Once all the research criteria picked, click on “Generate export”.

N2F will suggest:

— Saving this export as a favorite, to which you will be able to give a name to find it more easily in the Data analysis module in “My favorites”, therefore allowing you to generate the same type of exports very easily.

— Generating the Excel file according to the criteria you have selected:

The creation of this file allows you to generate statistics per expense category and user very easily.