Version: Business Enterprise Advanced

Platform: Web Android IOS

Role: User Manager Accountant Administrator

After scheduling your favorite exports so that they can be sent to the contacts of your choice (for more details, see the dedicated article: How to schedule the sending of an export?) N2F now lets you store your customized exports directly on your server.

To do this, go to your "Data analysis" and "My favorites" tabs, then click on the logo below: 

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Page web

Description générée automatiquement


Activate the file repository (1), fill in the necessary information (2) and then test the connection (3):

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, diagramme

Description générée automatiquement


Once you have completed your settings, don't forget to validate your configuration.



For further information, please contact our support team: