Version : Business Enterprise Advanced

Environment : Web Android IOS

Status : User Manager Accountant Administrator

With N2F, you have the possibility to set up your expense categories. It may happen that at a hotel for instance you would only have one bill for expenses made both for breakfast and the nights you spent at the hotel. You can now integrate to the expense categories of choice the possibility to split a category into others.

In order to set this split up, you need to:

1. Go to your Settings / Advanced Settings / Expense Categories:

Une image contenant texte

Description générée automatiquement

And then select the category for which you would like to allow the split (e.g. Hotel).


2. Tick "Allows you to split the expense over several expenses"

And then click on “Add another line” and choose the category with which you will be able to share the expense


Then, press "Save".


WARNING: This option cannot be applied to categories with spending limits or fixed amounts.

Note: The split is present by default in Hotel and Fuel categories.


Version : Business Enterprise Advanced

Environment : Web Android IOS

Status : User Manager Accountant Administrator

Once the amount has been entered, the permission to split it is materialized by the possibility to click the following arrows:

The "Split the expense" tab opens, allowing you to choose the amounts to allocate to the first category, then the second one, etc.

You will then be able to Save the split, which will generate another expense in the chosen category.