Version: Business Enterprise Advanced

Platform: Web Android IOS

Role: User Manager Accountant Administrator

On N2F web portal, the ‘Advanced search’ tab allows you to view your expense reports as well as those you have access to based on your role. 

Depending on the filters applied to your search, the number of expense reports displayed can be very high. Until now, this search was limited to 200 results, which was not necessarily suitable for larger organizations. 

A pagination feature has been added to adapt the display to the heaviest searches.

Une image contenant texte, logiciel, Page web, Police

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You can also select the display that suits you best to adapt the search to your needs, by selecting a display per 50, 100 or 200 results:

Une image contenant texte, Police, ligne, diagramme

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You can also use the ‘Bulk export’ button to export a zip file containing these expense reports in PDF format: 

Une image contenant texte, logiciel, Police, Page web

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For more information, feel free to contact our technical support team: