Version: Business Enterprise Advanced

Platform: Web Android IOS

Role: User Manager Accountant Administrator

N2F offers the expense split feature, allowing you to allocate an expense to multiple categories using a single receipt. This ensures that each expense is correctly categorized to accurately recover VAT and assign the cost to the corresponding accounting account.

For example, a hotel invoice may include the room charge and/or breakfast. You can split the hotel expense into a “Restaurant” category. To do this, from the web interface only, you can click on the icon next to the amount:

You can then distribute the amount and validate, resulting in two lines corresponding to the two categories:

Previously, the split could only be performed into categories with no limit or a fixed limit.

To better meet your needs, N2F has enhanced this feature, allowing you to now split an expense into categories configured with variable limits.

Thus, you can divide your expense into categories with different limits based on a condition (type of meal, geographical area, client, etc.):

Once the split is done, you can open the split expenses and enter the condition so that the limit(s) calculation can be performed.

Some resources:

As a reminder, the authorization settings for the expense split are available via the following link: How to split an expense into multiple categories?

You can also consult our FAQ article on setting up limits by analytics: How to set spending limits depending on the type of meal?

For more details and potential interrogations, contact our support at the following contact information:

+33 04 26 78 52 10