Version: Business Enterprise Advanced

Platform: Web Android IOS

Role: User Manager Accountant Administrator

During the approval or verification process of an employee's expense report, some expenses may block all the validation workflow. 

To avoid penalizing the entire expense report, it is now possible to reject only a specific expense.


You can indeed reject the expense by transferring it to a new expense report with an "open" status. This will allow the employee to modify it and submit the expense report at a later time.


To do this, you must first enable this option in the advanced settings of the template.
Go to your administrator web access > Settings > Advanced Settings > Templates > Advanced Settings > Access – Expense Level.

Une image contenant texte, logiciel, Page web, Police

Description générée automatiquement

Once this option is enabled and configured, you can proceed to the validation step and open the relevant expense report.

Click on the concerned expense, then select the "Actions" button > "Send Back to the declarer".


Une image contenant texte, logiciel, Police, Page web

Description générée automatiquement


Just like for the expense report, you will need to provide the reason for the rejection. The expense will be returned to an open expense report on the employee's account and will be identified as follows:



The employee will need to complete or modify the expense and resubmit the expense report.


For more information, feel free to contact our support team at the following address: