Version: Business Enterprise Advanced

Platform: Web Android IOS

Role: User Manager Accountant Administrator

As the administrator of the N2F account, you will likely be responsible for creating the accounts of new arrivals. To avoid any mishaps and generate errors in the settings, you will find below a small checklist of actions to perform when onboarding new users.

  1. Avoid creating an independent test account: Inform the employee

When the user is informed that they will be using N2F to declare their expenses, it is necessary to specify that they should wait for the activation link. This link will be sent once their account is created on your side.

Indeed, it happens that new arrivals register on our application to test the software beforehand. An email address can only be linked to one account, which then blocks the creation of their account from your company account.

If the user has already created their account, they will need to delete it to “free” the email address and allow you to create it. To do this, you will find the procedure to follow below (before deletion, make sure the user has kept any receipts they might have entered):

Important: The deletion must be done by the creator of the test account.

FAQ article that may interest you: I can't create a user

  1. Avoid blocking the email address: use an active and valid email address

The user's account must be created AFTER the new arrival's email box is activated. Indeed, when a new user is set up, an email is automatically generated, inviting the employee to click on a link to activate their account.

If the email box has not been activated beforehand, this email returns as an error in our system, and the employee does not receive the invitation. An action from technical support is then required.

In case of excessive requests for this type of issue, our services reserve the right to charge for this service.

  1. Check the number of licenses: adjust your subscription

Once these two notions are clarified, I recommend you check if it is necessary to add additional licenses to your account to create this new user.

If needed, you will have the option to increase your number of licenses directly from your settings > advanced settings > subscription:

If you would like more information on the pricing/billing of additional licenses, I invite you to contact our support directly.

FAQ article that may interest you: How to add a new user in N2F?

  1. Creating the user: complete all the necessary fields

User addition can be done manually or by bulk import according to your needs from your settings > advanced settings > users.

In the case of a bulk import, you will need to follow the Template provided directly in the import tab without making any modifications.

  1. Choosing SSO/SAML authentication: inform the user of the procedure to follow

SSO is a single authentication method for a multitude of secure web applications and services. The objective is to simplify the users' actions in managing their passwords and personal data.

If you have chosen this authentication method, we advise informing the new arrival about how this authentication works.

As a reminder, for a first connection on mobile, it is necessary to proceed step by step:

  • Log in from the web on the work computer
  • Go to “Mobile Devices”
  • Click on “Pair a device”
  • Scan the QR Code from the N2F - Expense Reports mobile application
  1. FAQ for new users: provide support to users

I invite all your employees to consult our FAQ, which contains numerous articles that could answer their potential questions.

Articles that may interest you:

For further information, feel free to contact our support team: 

By phone: +33 (0)4 26 78 52 10 

By e-mail: